Sexual harassment.

These resources are designed to inform judicial officers about practical and substantive matters on sexual harassment in courts, as well as provide some insight into the social and cultural contexts of our time.

Cultural change.

Recommendation 13 of the Review of Sexual Harassment in Victorian Courts: Preventing and Addressing Sexual Harassment in Victorian Courts and VCAT - Report and Recommendations (Szoke Report) mandates the College to create an education program on sexual harassment and bullying, which (among other things) requires the program to cover ‘the range of experiences and impacts of sexual harassment on victim-survivors including a storytelling strategy similar to what was used by the Victorian Bar in 2017-18’.  

This recommendation is consistent with other organisations such as the National Mental Health Commission and the Family Violence Lived Experience Strategy that recognise the significance of lived experience when formulating social policies.  

Alex Eggerking on her sexual harassment by former High Court justice Dyson Heydon.

Former High Court associate, Alex Eggerking, speaks publicly for the first time to Laura Tingle about her sexual harassment by former High Court judge, Dyson Heydon, and the effects of the sexual harassment on her.

Olivia Warren on her harassment and bullying by Justice Reinhardt (USA).

‘People are deeply complex’, states lawyer and Harvard graduate, Olivia Warren, in her reflection on Justice Reinhardt’s misconduct, sexual harassment, bullying and demeaning behaviour during her clerkship with the judge.   


  • External Link

    Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession: What can we do about it?

    Advocates for Change is a group of Victorian legal professionals focused on eliminating sexual harassment in the legal profession. This document sets out a number of practical strategies for achieving equitable cultural change.
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  • External Link

    Five Women

    For those interested in stories of lived experience of sexual harassment (in a non-judicial context), this production by This American Life details the experience of five women in America.
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  • External Link

    Change the Story

    Change the Story is Australia’s evidence-based framework to guide a coordinated and effective national approach to preventing violence against women, including sexual harassment.
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