Judicial Life/
Balancing the demands of judicial life.

Blurred image of people rushing

Friday 27th October 2023

Full Day EVENT | 9:30 AM-4:30 PM


Designed for recent appointees, this interactive program equips judicial officers with the knowledge and skills needed to manage the personal challenges of transitioning to the judicial role, and to approach your judicial career with optimism and confidence.

Balancing the Demands of Judicial Life is the College’s foundational judicial wellbeing program.

Judicial work is meaningful and rewarding. It is also complex, demanding, and at times emotionally draining. The first 2 years following appointment are a time when intensities of judicial life are often felt particularly keenly.

The event, delivered by psychologists Carly Schrever and Sally Ryan, will discuss known pressure-points in judicial work as well as the opportunities for growth and fulfilment. You will take away a personal wellbeing plan for your judicial career.

Participants will subsequently be invited to two 90-minute follow-up sessions over the following six months. 

As this is a full-day program, you may need approval from your Head of Jurisdiction or Court Listings to attend.


Human Ethos
Carly Schrever, BSci/LLB, MPsych (Clinical), PhD Candidate (Melb)
Carly Schrever is a lawyer, psychologist, researcher, and a Director of Human Ethos – a psychological consultancy directed to the wellbeing of judges and lawyers. Carly undertook Australia’s first empirical research into the sources and nature of work-related stress among the Australian judiciary which has been published broadly. She is a regular presenter at judicial conferences on the topic of judicial stress and wellbeing, and has been engaged by several jurisdictions around the globe to develop tailored judicial wellness programs. Through her consultancy, Human Ethos, she also works with law firms and legal professional bodies to deliver training on lawyer wellbeing.
Human Ethos
Sally Ryan, BA, GradDipEdPsych, MClFT
Sally Ryan is a psychologist, family therapist and Director of Human Ethos – a psychological consultancy directed to the wellbeing of judges and lawyers. Sally has been a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) since 2000 and has worked as a clinician/therapist, manager, and trainer in community health, education and with the Victorian judiciary and the legal profession. Sally specialises in building the capacity of people and organisations who work in trauma exposed environments and has a particular focus on working with leaders to reduce the risks of vicarious and cumulative trauma in teams. She has delivered interactive presentations nationally and internationally on topics such as vicarious trauma, judicial stress and systemic wellbeing responses.

Event resources.

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    Judicial Wellbeing Support: 1300 326 941

    Formally known as JOAP, this exclusive free and confidential 24/7 counselling service provides support to Victorian judicial officers in managing challenges and opportunities related to psychological wellbeing.
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