New appointments to the Magistrates' Court.

Melbourne Magistrates' Court exterior
The Judicial College of Victoria warmly congratulates Vincenzo Caltabiano, Megan Casey, Kathryn Fawcett, Leon Fluxman, Belinda Franjic, Natalie Heynes, Heather Lambrick, Andrew Sim, Malcolm Thomas and Jarrod Williams on their appointments to the Magistrates' Court of Victoria.

The Magistrates' Court will be strengthened with the addition of:

  • Belinda Franjic, a barrister at the Victorian Bar.
  • Heather Lambrick, a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal member.
  • Megan Casey, a barrister at the Victorian Bar.
  • Vincenzo Caltabiano, a director at Tasmania Legal Aid.
  • Malcolm Thomas, a barrister at the Victorian Bar.
  • Kathryn Fawcett, a Judicial Registrar of the Magistrates Court.
  • Andrew Sim, a barrister at the Victorian Bar.
  • Natalie Heynes, a lawyer at Victoria Legal Aid.
  • Leon Fluxman, a Managing Principal Solicitor at the Office of Public Prosecutions.
  • Jarrod Williams, a barrister at the Victorian Bar.

We look forward to engaging with each new magistrate throughout this next stage of their professional lives.