Judicial wellbeing: The privilege and pressure of judicial work.

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On 31 July 2024, the Judicial College hosted a special event featuring Dr Carly Schrever’s groundbreaking research on the privilege and pressure of judicial work

Chief Justice Anne Ferguson opened the event by emphasising that judicial wellbeing is “critical in ensuring that we have a healthy, well-functioning judicial cohort and that our courts function well”.  

In her presentation, Dr Schrever discussed the data from her research on judicial stress, which was collected through interviews with judicial officers. This data included the professional and cultural factors that shaped judicial officers' experiences, such as increasing workloads and continued stigma around seeking support. Dr Schrever discussed proactive measures that judicial officers can take, such as building supportive networks, maintaining physical health and striving for a work-life balance. Her research also indicated the importance of courts allocating time for wellbeing initiatives and the role of leadership in supporting judicial wellbeing. 

Dr Schrever’s research revealed that despite the stress many judicial officers experience, they feel a deep sense of pride and job satisfaction from their contributions to the justice system and community. The study also found that judicial officers who prioritised their own wellbeing gained the most enjoyment from their role. 

Reflecting on Dr Schrever’s presentation, Chief Judge Peter Kidd concluded by highlighting education as an important strategy for enhancing judicial wellbeing: 

"Educational opportunities... provide an environment for collegiate and collaborative interactions amongst all our fellow judicial officers from different jurisdictions... I think education injects balance into our working life ... enhances our skills and knowledge, gives us more confidence [and] exposes us... to the practices of our colleagues... to understand what everybody else is doing. [Education] can directly and, I think, indirectly, help us to deal with stress".

Note: Judicial officers can view a recording of the event by clicking the link below. Please ensure you are logged into the website to access it.