How can we support you?

Start a confidential chat

Talk to one of our specialists who are available 8am to 6pm AET Monday to Friday and will respond within 8 business hours. Choose from our freecall number, email or Whatsapp.

Report an issue

Tell us about a workplace behaviour issue you have experienced or witnessed so that we can provide the appropriate follow-up and support. You will have the option to make your report anonymous.

Book an appointment

Select from our available times to speak in person with one of our specialists regarding a behaviour or wellbeing issue.

For crisis or emergency situations, refer to these crisis support options available 24/7.

About Us

Providing you with independent, confidential support

Your Safe Space is managed and delivered by En Masse. En Masse is an independently-owned workplace behaviour change company that provides coaching, training, conflict resolution and case mangement support aimed at optimising respect, psychological safety and wellbeing. Our team of case managers includes:

qualified counsellors
workplace psychological injury advisers
workplace relations specialists
Workplace behaviours

Some quick definitions